Another Brick in the Wall - DEWTRONS

The process of building the tool box continues. I have finally acquired the Dewtron Mister Bassman Bass Pedal thunder. They are the newest brick in the wall toward completing The LLDOM project.

I am also offering this sample collection for sale via Shabby Chic Samples for the low price of $24.99 if any of you are interested. They are not listed on the Shabby Chic Sample site yet but if you send me an email, I will hook you up. You can also get these via EBAY (just search DEWTRON BASS, choose make offer at $25 and mention LLDOM).

They sound marvelous and this with the additional vintage solid body 12 string Rick and MicroFrets Baritone (six string BASS - short scale) has pretty much nailed Mike's sounds on The Lamb.

Still no music to share but the tracks are starting to sound a quantum leap more accurate than in the past. Thanks for stopping by and checking the updates. The project is more alive now than ever because real progress is starting to me made on the mixing/sound part of the project.

Jim K - Keeper of the Shrine